How Will You Find Your Tribe?

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Yes, man is a social animal. But, you should engage only with people who share your VALUES, not just interests.

This can be difficult, long and frustrating as you often find only by trial and error.

Your Tribe may NOT be the familiar; colleagues, friends or relatives. It could be your meditation circle, or your gym mates, or CFA study buddies, or people you travel or cycle or hike with, people with whom you have a DEEP and SPECIAL bond.

The Tribe isn’t about numbers; it’s about QUALITY not quantity.

I enjoy interacting with those who are authentic, positive, well read, generous, bold, funny and articulate.

I detest and walk away from shallow, selfish, negative wafflers, people who are obsessed with money or career, have more style than substance or who take themselves too seriously (Dubai has tons of them!). Never settle.

Find your Tribe. You’ll know when you find them. And once you do, never let them go.