Navigating Exam Delay Webinar + Q&A Session

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Thanks for being a part of my webinar on Zoom on 4 April 2020.

The June 2020 CFA exams have been postponed and registered candidates may not be able to write before December 2020. This may have upset some carefully laid plans with the resultant confusion, demoralization and a raft of questions on the study and revision strategies.

CFA Society Emirates is hosting a live webinar to help you navigate your way to success and answer your queries. We will cover the 6 M strategy to deal with this unprecedented delay including the key issues of maintaining momentum and memory. The webinar will be delivered by Binod Shankar CFA and moderated by James Savastano.

Hosted by CFA Society Emirates on 04 April 2019.

Watch the full webinar here:

I had a great time hosting the POST WEBINAR Q&A session right here!

Still have questions after the webinar? I will be answering your question for the next 2 hours.
Type your questions related to CFA exam delay in the comments section below and I’ll try to get to as many as I can!

Looking forward to a great discussion. Start typing…