Inner Engineering by yogi and mystic Sadhguru is a non-fiction book that explores the path to spiritual enlightenment. The main themes can be captured in three lessons:
Lesson 1: Happiness is realized within
It is a common practice to try to enhance our happiness or life satisfaction by changing our circumstances. If you don’t like your job, change it. Tired of being single? Get on Tinder. If you are not happy with the way you look, sign up for a gym class or get yourself a new dress.
This approach is insanity and the fixation on the outside world is precisely what prevents us from experiencing fulfillment. All perceptions of the external objects and events are happening within us. And within is precisely where we should begin our search for happiness.
Lesson 2: Freedom goes hand in hand with responsibility.
The idea that with more responsibility comes more freedom is something most of us are not used to. Usually, when we think of a responsible person, we imagine someone who sacrifices some of their freedom for the sake of their family, professional career or some other commitment. This is a misguided understanding of responsibility.
Response-ability means being capable of responding to life circumstances in a conscious way instead of reacting based on unconscious impulses. This means that, as you increase your self-awareness, your ability to respond increases as well.
You realize that there are always choices available and you are free to pick the best one of them.
Lesson 3: Too much thinking will kill your happiness.
Homo sapiens usually take pride in their intellect. After all, it is largely thanks to our ability to think logically, analyze and synthesize that we managed to build the global civilization in its current shape.
However, the human mind also has serious limitations that can stand in the way of experiencing life at its fullest.
Stay humble. You shouldn’t ever hope to possess complete knowledge of the Universe, for as a human, you are insignificant when compared to the vastness of it. However, this shouldn’t stop you from fully experiencing life just as it unfolds in front of your eyes.
The 8 Limbs of Yoga Sutra by Patanjali
Inner Engineering is a helpful book, regardless of whether you have just started your spiritual search or have some experience in that realm already. Sadhguru introduces inner-growth concepts in a straightforward and refreshing way. He also deconstructs the most popular self-help notions, like “be in the moment” or “think positive,” and points to how such superficial slogans can also put us at a disadvantage.
The book recasts Patanjali's Yoga Sutra in layman's terms and shows how yoga is really a sophisticated system of self-empowerment. The author does not take a moral high ground nor seek to be prescriptive but offers a pragmatic approach.
There are quite a few things that I like about this book:
Firstly, some of the most profound truths in life are explained simply yet powerfully. Made me realize that perspectives can make an insignificant routine to a life changing experience.
Secondly, it steers away from any religion, instead focusing on the yoga of self-improvement
Thirdly, unlike many self-help books, it doesn’t give "unrealistic expectations". Its brutally honest and practical
The book is written bearing in mind the contemporary, materialistic world and its people. It’s extremely relevant in these times
Finally, the anecdotes in this book are amazing. All are witty, concise and drive home the message
There aren't any stepwise procedures but that is something the reader is expected to explore, experiment and seek after reading the book.
It struck me that this book provides both a calm way to live and a reassurance, two valuable things that have acquired more importance and urgency in this pandemic scared world that we have been suddenly forced to live in.
This handy book is made me think long and hard about how I live my life. I hope it had the same effect on you.