Ten Tips for Level I CFA Success

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I’ve prepared 4,000+ Level I CFA students over the last 12+ years. After a detailed analysis, I concluded a successful students does TEN things: 

1. Does RESEARCH. Grasps the sheer volume and complexity of the CFA program and is realistic and plans accordingly 

2. Starts EARLY. knowing the volume and complexity. No lastminute.com!  

3. Learns SMART and spends time understanding the concepts and formulae 

4. PRIORITIZES and spends more time on high weightage topics 

5. Studies EFFICIENTLY using the Learning Outcome Statements. For example, Compute/analyse/evaluate etc mean you can get a calculation question in the exam

6. Works out enough both easy and difficult QUESTIONS and notes the mistakes while studying

7. Studies REGULARLY, spending minimum 3 hours studying daily (minimum 20 HRS/week) and if they can’t study on weekdays they make up on weekends 

8. Manages TIME fanatically. Social events, family time, holidays etc are limited or deleted 

9. Knows recall is key so plans a REVISION over 3-4 weeks before the exam 

10. Has the right ATTITUDE. The student knows it’s tough but he/she knows what it takes and believes he/she will pass. He/she needs this for many reasons and won’t give up.

CFA. Or Nothing.